Waked employees facing uncertain future

 EMPLOYEES  of the Waked family’s  67 companies whose job future is uncertain as investigations into alleged money laundering  by their bosses continue, have received their pay for the first half of May.

What’s to come is still unsure for some 5,000 workers as Panama’s government negotiates with US Treasury officials tp see if temporary operating licenses can be issued  for some of the companies,

The Treasury, has blocked US business transactions, with shops in the economic hub.

Grupo Wisa owned by Abdul Waked, includes La Riviera the exclusive Soho Mall, Felix B. Maduro, Importadora Maduro, the Duty Free stores at the International Airport of Tocumen ,real  estate and insuranco perations, as well as La Estrella de Panama and El Siglo,

Companies under the command of Nidal Waked, arrested in Colombia that have been affected are: Life Panama (Free Zone) Millennium Plaza, the Hometeck shops and Balboa Bank, a company that the Treasury Department granted a temporary license to operate, on Friday, May 13.

Because of the impact the US research has had  on the image of Panama and its possible economic effects, the Panamanian government has  created a government including  the Minister of Economy and Finance (MEF), Dulcidio De La Guardia; Minister of Trade and Industry (MITI), Arosemena Augusto Moreno; Minister of Labor and Workforce Development (Mitradel), Luis Ernesto Carles; the director of the National Bank of Panama, Rolando De Leon; and  other officials, and is seeking several alternatives.

Ernesto Carles said  that “as a country we are  interested in seeing the functionality of businesses and ensure that people who work in Waked,companies  receive their wages in a timely manner in the continuity of a worker-employer relationship “

According to Carles “what is sought is that everything returns to calm and that people e, may continue buying their products “

We are  taking a census  of employees, to examine the case of each. Mostly companies are not going to close. There are other companies where we are  analyzing their functionality, “said the Minister

“Where jobs  cannot be preserved,  we are looking for sources of employment so that people can continue working,” Carles said.

He added  that they are focused on being granted licenses for  Waked family companies to continue to operate and has asked the US  Treasury Department to  indicate the conditions under which they would be willing to grant such licenses.

Eduardo Quiros, president of La Estrella and El Siglo, said they have  analyzed the scope of the placement of the newspapers in the “Clinton Listand  are evaluating a request for the extension of the license granted until  July 6  the date on which all American citizens will no longemaintain  working and trade relations with the  media.

“We believe that there is a serious risk to freedom of speech and press. Neither employees, or  readers have the least responsibility in all this, ” said Quiros.

The US ambassador in Panama, John Feeley said Friday May 13,  that there has been progress in obtaining new licenses to allow other companies in the Waked group to  continue to operate.

The licenses granted by the US Treasury Department, are in favor deBalboa Bank & Trust and Security brokerage Balboa, who are entitled (temporarily) to continue operations until 12:01 am on June 14.

Similarly, the general license in April in favor of Soho Mall is replaced by anew license indicating that every American individual who transacts with the mall, must in up to 10 days provide the Treasury Department, a detailed report with the value of transactions, and the date and duration of the activities. This business relationship has been authorized until 12:01 a.m. on July 6.

US citizens providing services to the La Estrella and El Siglo, , are allowed to continue working with these companies until 12:01 am July 6.

The Wisa Group, is dedicated to the sale of luxury cosmetics and fragrances, watches, tobacco and spirits, among other products in Panama and other countries.