US hotel chain plans Cuban invasion

 THE US  hotel chain Starwood (including Meridien,  Westin and Sheraton) announced Saturday that it plans to open several hotels in Cuba, the first investment of a major US group in the communist island since 1959.

The AFP News Agency report, brings to life the dreams and fears  of Cubans, and visitors depending on which side of the fence they sit.

Cuba-Havana-caribbean On one side  is seen the disappearance of the familiar aging  Spanish lady image of Havana,  somewhat ravaged and gone to seed but still retaining traces of the elegance of better days. On the plus side is the anticipated rush of  dollar laden US visitors, anxious to see the old lady before she disappears behind flashing lights and  glass and concrete imitations of Miami.
The Starwood investment, which will involve several million dollars, will include the opening of two hotels in 2016, the group said on the  of the historic visit of US President Barack Obama.
Starwood also announced its intention to sign an agreement with the Cuban authorities to open a third hotel.