Corruption led by great authorcost Panama $670 million.

CORRUPTION in Panama in recent years by  294 people under investigation   led by a “great author” has cost the country $670 million, says Panama’s  Attorney General.

Speaking  at the National Forum for Competitiveness, organized by Santa Maria la Antigua University (Usma), Kenia Porcell, without mentioning anyone by name, referred to a “great author” behind the acts of corruption during the previous administration.

Kenia Porcell, who said the figure comes from estimates in current investigations being carried out by her office.

Porcell said that, so far this year, her office has initiated 51 new corruption investigations.

Of that total, 28 cases were initiated by complaints and 13 were opened by anti-corruption prosecutors.

“It is unfortunate that someone who has who has studied and has  knowledge, , used theknowledge to their own advantage,” she said.

She pointed out that, while there is corruption, society will not believe in their institutions, which will ultimately affect institutions and justice.

“Every act of corruption affects each and every one of us,” Porcell said.