Double opportunity knock for amateur actors

OPPORTUNITY will be  knocking twice in the coming weeks for those ready to shine in amateur dramatics with  upcoming auditions scheduled by  The Theatre Guild of Ancon (TGA) and The CanadaPLUS Foundation.

The TGA is looking for 12 actors for  a stage production of the Iconic 1985 movie Clue, named after  the famous board game.

It will be produced and directed by Giancarlo Benedetti and Rob Getman who have a string of previous successes at the Guild theatre in  Ancon,

Auditions will be held March 19  and 20 at the Guild Theatre next door to the DGI .from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

The performances will be in June.

poster Bingo Spells Murder-page-001The CanadaPLUS  Foundation  ADS needs six actors, three male and three female, for its sixth Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre series to be staged at the Mirimar Intercontinental Hotel, in July.

Directed by  Kendall McQuella and produced by Lourdes Quijada,  Bingo  Spells Murder is focused on a New York developer’s attempt to take over an orphanage with some persuasive  assistance from the mob, and  a Catholic priest’s fight to thwart them. The play involves actor-audience participation.

Auditions will be held in Bella Vista on successive Saturdays April 2 and 9, from 2 pm- 4pm.

For  location and further information call or whatsapp 6619-6890, or email