OPINION: Non-agression pact between corrupt court and Assembly


hoyporhoy La Prensa, March 14

LAST YEAR, the Credentials Committee of the National Assembly was able to give us great hope with the investigation and prosecution of the then president of the Supreme Court.

After such an expression of institutionalism, we expected that the work of the parents of the Fatherland on justice continue at the same pace.

Instead, members of all caucuses have shown disinterest in the delicate task of cleaning up our highest court.

The excessive delay in dealing with complaints against judges, has generated in public opinion the uncomfortable suspicion that there is a nona-ggression pact between the judiciary and the legislature. Panama cannot develop while you have a corrupt justice, laden with conflicts of interest, and subject to the designs of political patronage and the highest bidder.

The responsibility for a better country now rests on the Credentials Committee of the Legislature. Let us not forget their names and faces, because they have determined the kind of country we are, and thus have drowned the aspirations of all Panamanians.