Clearing the way for Martinelli arrest

NOW THAT The Supreme Court has unanimously declared the Dec 21 arrest order for former President Ricardo Martinelli legal, Civil organizations and citizens at large, are calling for swift follow up action.

YOUR MAN IN PANAMAThere is still a shrinking band of indoctrinated CD Party members,  led by  Martinelli’s  well  paid mouthpiece Luis Eduardo Camacho chanting the “political persecution” mantra.

The judges, many of them handpicked by Martinelli, weren’t listening. Maybe Camacho, who loves to tout a bull horn to rally his tiny group of blinkered faithful when they descend on the court steps, has run out of batteries, like the well-heeled army of fellow lawyers working  for Martinelli, now running out of  blocking moves.

On Friday  the judges rejected arguments submitted by lawyers Rogelio Cruz and Edgar Alejandro Sánchez, who both represent Martinelli.

They had presented habeas corpus writs on behalf of the former president to prevent his arrest on charges related to illegal surveillance conducted during his administration.

The writs were combined and submitted to Judge Efrén Tello, the substitute for Luis Ramón Fábrega, who presented them to the plenary with his recommendation.

The decision clears the way for Judge Jerome Mejía to order the arrest of Martinelli  who, when last heard from was in the United States from where he still attempt to control the party he founded to get himself the key to power and increased personal wealth.

Mejia is in the process of having the documents in the case translated into English, which is required for Martinelli to be arrested in the US.

The documents include transcripts of hearings in the case and evidence compiled by Prosecutor, Judge  Harry Díaz.

Meanwhile members of the Martinelli legal battalion are hard at work looking for new escape routes. He has the money. They have the oncentive.