Carnival revelers exposed to $1,500 nudity fines

IN AN ATTEMPT  to curb some of the excesses of Carnival on the Cinta Costera this year, the Panama City Mayor’s Office has issued a decree warning that  that people exposing themselves during  the bacchanalian festival will face fines of up to $1,500.

The decree published in the Government Gazette says

“People who exhibit either their half-naked or naked bodies during acts or public shows in a way that may cause offense to modesty will be punished,” the decree said.

Sanctions for those who fail to comply with this standard range from $25 to $1,500 for the full Monty.

Who will define the other  stages is not clear

The standard also provides that limits on the sale of alcohol will be suspended during carnival, which seems to pull the plug on restraint and will not stop the surge in post carnival pregnancies.