MEDIA WATCH: Water games as cattle die

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa Jan. 30

A WEEK before the official start of the carnival, the public expects consistency and clarity from the Central Government and municipalities in relation to the national water crisis.

It is absurd for the holidays in the capital city [to spend] tens of thousands of dollars for rental of tank trucks that supply the culecos when in the very periphery of the metropolitan area there are communities that do not have  regular visits of trucks from the National Water and Sewerage Authority.

In Azuero, where hundreds of cattle die and the decline in maize production is serious because of the shortage of the vital liquid, it becomes unforgivable not only that culecos stay, but, in addition, the  schedule for water waste is extended,. Thus a local political boss can ingratiate himself with the organizers s and their sponsors.

Apparently, we must understand that with the excesses of the party of [Carnival] King Momo  we become a fictional country, where nothing happens with corruption, spare water and political leaders are convinced that they just have to give the people a circus , because the payback is for them