OFF THE CUFF: King of the cookie jar opposes reform

A PROPOSAL of the Electoral Reforms Commission (NCSR) to prevent family members acting as paid alternates to deputies, got predictable reactions from assembly members whose hands are in the cookie jar.
Carlos Afu, who has never been shy of using the public purse and has Brandao Carlos Afu as his deputy, challenged the Judges of the Electoral Tribunal to present the reform.
“The judges can say what they please, but here we are the ones who make the laws, not them. In the end, It’s the Deputies who decide with their votes,” he said.
Afu is alleged to have spent some $4 million of government funds smoothing his path to the cookie jar during the last election.
Marylín Vallarino, whose deputy, Augustine Shellhorn, is her husband, said: “I would respect the change if approved by the Assembly. We were elected by popular vote, there is nothing sinful” I Said.
“The candidate for any elective office may not have first and second degree family blood ties with his deputy,” said the original text of the article adopted In the current Commission.
At least five deputies have family members as alternates,
Meanwhile La Prensa reports that since July 2014, deputies have received $506,000 in tax exemptions on imported cars, and no one exceeded the limit. They also get a tax free gasoline allowance which hasn’t shrunk although the price at the pumps has dropped 60%. The honey pot gets sweeter.