Amsocs annual dry season celebration open to all

The Social Scene with Margot Thomas

ONE SURE  marker that the  Panama’s summer  has really arrived is the annual Dry Season celebration organized by  the American Society of Panama( Amsoc).

It takes place in El Valle and lasts through the day and well into the night for the truly hardy party goers.

It kicks off at 11.30 am on Saturday, January 23 with a Comida Typica Panamaña  (Panamanian  style) lunch at the Hotel Campestre. The dining, entertainment and good company goes on until 4 pm.

You don’t have to be a member to attend, The cost is $20 for paid up members, non paid up $25  and non members $35.

For those who love lasagna and dancing the day winds up with the famed  complimentary lasagna dinner and dance party at the home of lasagna master chef Dr Charly Garcia. The Jan.23  event has an extra romantic bonus with the year’s first full moon.

A bus service will be available for those who want to leave after lunch or after the evening event

The Society has a list of hotels for those wishing to enjoy a full weekend in El Valle   which has much to offer in the way of shopping and places to visit.

You can order tickets and get more details of bus transportation by going to Amsoc’s website