Supreme Court to meet again on Martinelli

PANAMA’S SUPREME COURT will  meet once  again on Monday December 28 to rule on what victims of  illegal wiretapping  hope is  a last gasp attempt by  ex-president Ricardo Martinelli defense lawyers tp block his indictment on charges that, if proven, could have him facing up to 21 years behind bars.

On instructions from the court’s  Vice President Luis Ramon Fabrega,  his colleagues will hear a writ of habeas corpus filed by the defense in the process for the interception of communications of  150 people during his rule. The plenary will start at 4:00 p.m.

On  Monday December 21, 2015, at a public hearing, the court ordered the arrest of Martinelli.

On  December 11 Judge Jeronimo Mejia of  declared  Martinelli “in default” for not personally appearing  at the trial, despite being notified.

Rogelio Cruz, who is part of the battery of Martinelli lawyers said  they expect  the full Court on Monday to “correct their ways and their mistakes.”

Victims of wiretapping have repeatedly called for an end to delaying tactics by the Martinelli  defense team.

If convicted, he faces up to 21 years in prison. He left Panama on January28 and has not returned since,but has made public TV appearances and has condemned the judges he appointed for earlier rulings in his case. He also faces numerous embezzlement charges