Police chase nets one of Panamas most wanted

A POLICE CHASE with screeching sirens that started in Plaza Cinco de Mayo, ended in a crash shattering the early morning tranquility of  the Cinta Costera on Christmas Eve.

The chase also led to   the capture of Rafael Eusebio Sáenz, alias “Ito, one of Panama’s  most wanted criminals with a $ 10,000 price on his head..

A police patrol car rammed a  white van  holding Sáenz   and another man. There were no injuries. Police found a 38 mm firearm with a long chrome barrel in the van Both  men will now spend Christmas behind bars

“Ito” has escaped three times from prison,, the last time from La Joita, June 15,. He is  involved in two murders, drug trafficking, crimes against property and and a shooting  attack against Pacora National Police  Lieutenant Marlon Antonio Atencio.

A police spookesman confirmed that  Ito is heading for Isla Punta  Coco maximum secruity prison.