Two more government employees with drug links

JUST A  DAY after an ex police officer was shot and killed and three other serving officers  arrested while transporting nearly half a ton of drugs,  a government employee behind the wheel of a government truck  carrying drugs  was caught Wednesday morning.

The vehicle belonged to a the  Institute of Training and Development of Human Resources(,IFARHU)  managed by the transport manager of the institution in Panama City

The official vehicle was stopped in Chepo, traveling to the capital from the province of Darien. Following the arrest, units of the National Police and the Drug Prosecutor’s Office, searched the vehicle where the illegal substance was found.

IFARHU later reported that the officer took the vehicle without authorization, after  his last official appointment on Tuesday at 3:00 pm.

Earlier in the week a female employee of the National Assembly was caught in Chepo carrying $846,000