Corruption prosecutions come with much pain -Varela

AFTER ongoing claims  of “political  persecution” by former high rollers now facing potential jail sentences, President  Juan Carlos Varela has finally replied to the barbs and said that the prosecutions are initiated “with much pain” but had to go on to get the country in order.

At a ceremony in Colón  on Wednesday, December 16 he said that, in the 17 months of his administration, he has focused on “placing the affairs of the country in order” so that projects can start without problems.

He acknowledged that this has impacted many people, but said it was necessary after the mismanagement of the previous government, reports La Prensa.

“Unfortunately, when one puts things in order, it has an effect on people, not because we want to, but because people crossed the line,” the president said.

He added that a state cannot allow such behavior.