Court asked to order Martinelli arrest

TWO APPLICATIONS  for the  arrest of former president Ricardo Martinelli have  been filed with  Panama’s  Supreme Court (CSJ)  following his no-show at the beginning of his trial for illegal surveillanceone of multiple posecutions he is facing.

The prosecutor Judge Harry Diaz and Carlos Herrera Morán plaintiff attorney submitted applications to the CSJ, to order Martinelli’s provisional detention while being tried for ieelgal surveillance  by the National Security Council during his government (2009-2014).

The  two petitions werw received in the General Secretariat of the Supreme Court and will  be resolved by the plenary.

Both Diaz and Judge Jerome Mejia, are barred from participating in the discussion and will be replaced by their deputies Wilfredo Saenz and Luis Mario Carrasco, respectively.

Diaz based his request on the fact that  Martinelli t has-been duly notified of the process and still refuses to appear.

“The reluctance of the defendant hinders the progress of the administration of justice

He  further argues that Martinelli – “from the territory wherehe  is” – has publicly stated that he will not return

“He has made public statements about the knowledge he had of the process expressed through the international coverage: such as the CNN interview rendered November 4, 2015. His lawyers kept him  informed of the course of criminal actions   but he said he would not appear said Diaz.