Former Finance Minister presents affidavit in radar case

ALBERTO VALLARINO, Panama’s former Minister of Finance (MEF) spent over five hours  with the Third  Anti- Corruption Prosecutor, Zuleyka Moore on Tuesday November 24 giving an  affidavit in the case of alleged irregularities in the $125 million  purchase of 19 radars from  the Selex company  during last government (2009-2014).

Vallarino was economy minister at the beginning of the government of Ricardo Martinelli, when the contract with a subsidiary of the Italian conglomerate Finmeccanica was signed.

Upon his release, Vallarino said that his statements to the prosecution referred  tothe participation of the MEF, related to the structure of interest rates and exchange rates, “because itwas a transaction of euros”.

He said the MEF was responsible for considering such volatility in the interest rate. He said that the other issues he saw when he was in MEF were about funding the contract (EPC) with banks.

The former minister had been summoned to surrender the statement last week , but did not show due to ill health.

Prosecutors  have filed charges for the alleged commission of crimes against public administration against  the former Minister of Public Security Jose Raul Mulino and former executive secretary of the National Security Council Alejandro Garuz.