Fifth Carols by Candlelight Charity concert

By Margot Thomas   

PANAMA’S FIFTH  Carols By Candlelight  concert    at  the Mirador Del Pacifico   (the fish market end of the Cinta Costera)  on Saturday December 12.

The Concert is free to all who want to sit on the perimeter of the Amphitheatre, but a limited number of reserved seats, which include a free led candle are available for a donation

The event organized by the CanadaPLUS Foundation, raises money to aid local charities and institutions.

This year  there will be five participating choirs:  Coro De Opera directed by Paola Cuellar; Kings College, directed by  Vanessa Whay; The  G. Harmony quartet directed by Ricardo Gayle; Coro Juan Pablo 2 Directed by Danny Gonzalez; and Coro Polifonico Universitario “A Viva  Voz” from Chiriqui,  directed by  Wanda Castillo.

At the end of each performance the candle waving audience is invited to join the choir in the singing of a favorite Christmas carol.

Beneficiaries this year will be Santo Tomas Hospital and Vision of Hope, a program teaching the blind to make jewelry and become a functioning part of the community.

The Foundation will also be providing a choir for the Hospital Del Nino Christmas Tree lighting ceremony, Friday December 4 at 6 pm and will donate candles to over 200  young patients.

The Chiriqui choir will perform in the Lobby of The Wyndham Hotel, Albrook Mall at 4 pm on Friday December 11
Beneficiaries this year will be Santo Tomas Hospital and Vision of Hope, a program teaching the blind to make jewelry and become a functioning part of the community.

Others who have received donations include Hogar Malambo and the National Ballet. The Foundation has also helped with local schools programs, in conjunction with The US Embassy and through the distribution of bi-lingual carols books as an aid to English language instruction.

Reserved seats, including a candle which will carry your seat number are available at $15, Gold $20, and VIP $25. All orders of $20 or more along with song bookswill be delivered to your home or office in Panama City and environs. Candles may be purchased at $5 and $10.  Call 225-3860, 6619-6890, or email