Nobel Literaturee Laureate likely murdered

NOBEL Literature Laureate   Pablo Neruda, was likely murdered in the brutal coup that overthrew Salvador Allende and led to the Pinochet dictatorship.

The Chilean Ministry of the Interior of Chile has issued a document supporting the assumption of third party intervention in the death of the author of Poems of Love  and saying  that did not die as a result of prostate cancer  says the Spanish Daily El Pais

“It is clearly possible and highly probable third party intervention,” the text on the death of the poet the September 23, 1973, two years after he received the Nobel Prize.

The judge investigating the death of Neruda, Mario Carroza, welcomed the view that the prosecuters of the  poet injected a chemical that killed him six hours later.

It happened at the airport in Santiago where he was waiting a plane provided by the Mexican government to take him into exile with his wife, Matilde Urrutia.

Iternational  forensic experts combined using new techniques to examine Neruda’s remains, exhumed from his tomb on  Isla Negra in April 2013.

The Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez called Neruda “the greatest poet of the 20th century in any language. Harold Bloom in his book The Western Canon included Neruda as one of the 26 writers central to the “Western Tradition”.