Jailed minister considered flight risk

PANAMA’S  FORMER former Minister of Public Security, José Raúl Mulino, was ordered behind bars because he is considered a flight risk and there are concerns  he would try to destroy evidence.

Third Anti-corruption Prosecutor Zuleyka Moore made the statement in response to a query from La Prensa..

The prosecutor is investigating Mulino for offences against public administration in connection with the contract he signed in 2010 with Selex for the purchase of 19 radars for $125 million. He is also facing embezzlement charges in connection with the purchase of $60 million of security equipment  with allegations arising of massive overpricing.

The Mulino family has rejected the charges, saying the former minister is being held responsible for the failures of the company supplying  the radars..

“He is a prisoner because the company failed,” said Mulino’s son, José Raúl Mulino Cohen.

He said that the case, as well as the investigation into the former minister for alleged irregularities in the purchase of security equipment, clearly shows  “where the cannons are pointing.”

“This is the first case of many others. They don’t want my father out of prison because he has too much to say,” Mulino Cohen said.

At least eight key players in  the Marinelli administration corruption scandals  have fled the country and over 30 are in detention, under house or country arrest, or under investigation.