OPINION: Supreme court guilty of complicity in Martinelli case

CLEARLY THE JUDGES of the Supreme Court have endeavored to disappoint the nation, looking for unlikely ways to delay and prevent criminal cases of the  former President getting to trial.

When we expected the judge Jeronimo Mejia to fix the hearing date for the wiretapping case, surprise! The judge has not given any processing to the file and has not even notified the defendant’s defense about the existence of the indictment.

Time runs and without that mechanical processing, for sure, the date will be postponed indefinitely in detriment of the rule of law. How much patience does the Judge intend us to have? In basketball, when a team is winning it make plays to “kill” the clock against their adversaries. This is something Judge Mejia knows very well. What is clear is that the team in which he participates is not necessarily the one the Panamanians aspire him to defend and honor with his performances. Against this, the popular verdict is that we had a Court full of complicity and a lack of gallantry.- Hoyporhoy, La Prensa. Oct 27