Martinelli hydro deals linked to money laundering

A MONEY laundering investigation into the construction of two hydroelectric projects linked to former President Ricardo Martinelli and his sons, Luis Enrique and Ricardo has been launched by the Public Prosecutor’s office.
Martinelli left the country in January and Luis Enrique feld the country with another suspect, when the hydroelectric scandal first broke.
The investigation will also focus on the construction of an electric substation by the state-owned company Etesa to provide a link to the national power grid to the projects, located in Veraguas.
It could also be expanded to include other crimes related to the granting of the concessions for the projects. Prosecutors expect to begin summoning witnesses involved in these projects in the near future reports La Prensa.
Accounts Prosecutor Guido Rodríguez is planning to ask Etesa to conduct an audit of the concessions to determine if there was any economic injury to the state.
Rodriguez said that the substation was not part of any long-range plans of Etesa, and its construction costs may represent an injury to the state finances.
The audit will be carried out by the Office of the Comptroller.
One of the plants has already started generating power and the other is due to come online next year.