Schoolbags corruption suspect gets $100,000 bail

BUSINESSWOMAN Poulett Morales in preventive detention while under investigation by anti-corruption prosecutors for the  alleged irregular sale of school bags through the National Assistance Program (PAN) during the government of Ricardo Martinelli has been granted $100,000 bail. 

She will be “barred from leaving the country without judicial authorization,” says a statement from prosecutors.

“The court decision, was based on the fact that the conditions of prison confinement, either in a prison or at the headquarters of the police. There are places more appropriate to keep a human being who has undergone surgery and who  in the post-operative stage  has serious infectious and dangerous complications, for which abundant proof has been provided by the treating physicians and with a medical report of a delicate clinical condition” the statement said.

“Humanity  excludes maintaining  detention under these conditions, therefore we admit the benefit of bail for release at this time,” said Judge Leslie Loaiza.

The second anti-corruption prosecutor, Vielka Broce can appeal the decision. So far it is unknown whether she will do so reports La Prensa