OFF THE CUFF: Cruz missile forMartinelli escape

AS  MORE revelations  of Ricardo Martinelli’s  abuse of power for personal and family enrichment emerge, his  defense lawyers are busy looking for new escape routes for the former president.

The latest is a trying to have Harry Diaz the Supreme Court justice who is prosecuting the illegal wiretapping case, removed.

Diaz has called for a 21-year jail term for Martinelli in the case, while he faces at least another dozen enrichment investigationsall wit potential time behind bars if he is found guilty.

Critics say  the  Cruz move is being done simply to try and delay the proceeding.

On Wednesday Octoberv14 Martinelli lawyer Rogelio Cruz announced he had  presented a motion the previous week  to remove Díaz..

The judge said Tuesday that he has not been notified of any legal challenges filed against him. The motion states that Diaz has a personal conflict of interest with Cruz because he filed a constitutional challenge to his appointment to the court in 2011.

Confusing the matter is the fact that Diaz was appointed by Martinelli, Cruz’s his client.

Cruz also stated that he has had a prior dispute with the judge’s father-in-law.

The decision of whether or not to remove a judge from a case is made by the plenum of the Supreme Court. Because there is a set timetable for the investigation and prosecution to take place, any delaying tactic could lead to a dismissal of charges.

Judge Jerome Mejía has less than 20 days to hold a hearing on a report submitted by Diaz that stated that evidence exists for the former president to be called to trial.

Martinelli left Panama on Jan. 28 and  an Interpol blue alert has been issued to detect his whereabouts.