OFF THE CUFF: Civic groups to meet isolated judge

IS THERE A CRACK in the wall of stony indifference to the public outcry, of Supreme Court Chief Justice José Ayú Prado?
While it seems unlikely he will climb down, he has invited leaders of civic societies to a meeting to discuss his role in the Financial Pacific case involving Ricardo Martinelli, the man who twice appointed him to high office.
The meeting was requested by the Independent Movement (Movin’) and will be held Friday at 3 p.m. in the Palace of Justice in Ancón.
The meeting will involve the nine judges of the court and officials from organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Panamanian Construction Chamber and the Panamanian Association of Business Executives. No mention yet of the non business groups of civic activists, including human rights organizations. lawyer groups and labor leaders
Ayú Prado’s role in the case has been questioned due to the fact that he investigated the matter while he was the Attorney General and allegedly pressured a whistle blower to retract her statements involving Martinelli in stock manipulation.He has so far rejected calls for him to step down