Leaking locks a design problem

A REPORT on the leaking lock gates in the Pacific sector of the Panama Canal. Expansion program identifies a design fault as the cause of the problem.
The GUPC construction consortium delivered an interim report last Friday to the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) giving details of the problem. The report took about a month to produce says La Prensa.
The leaks were caused by an apparent problem in the design of the locks, which did not have sufficient steel in the areas where there were problems.
Part of the contractor’s proposal to the ACP says the issue will be addressed by placing steel bars and a sealant in the problem areas.
To do the repairs all the water has to be drained from the locks, which have been undergoing testing. Drai ining the locks on the Pacific side started side week. Once those repairs are completed, work will start on the Atlantic side. The repairs are being made to both new locks to prevent future problems.
GUPC must now deliver a full report on the problem, and that information will be checked by experts in structural engineering at the Technological University of Panama as well as by foreign experts.