The great Panama cleansing

THOUSANDS of people from all walks of life in Panama skipped their Sunday morning lie-in on September 26, and turned their eyes from corruption and political garbage to to the “great cleansing” of beaches, coasts and rivers in different parts of the country.
The day began at 8:00 am and run until noon on 50 beaches and river banks throughout Panama, according to, the Foundation for the Protection of the Sea (Promar), the Panama Green Association and the Audubon Society of Panama who recruited and organized participants.
The activity was part of the global program of cleaning of beaches and coasts, promoted since 1986 by The U.S. Ocean Conservancy.
Volunteers participating came from institutions like the Ministry of Environment, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), the Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) , the Panama Mayoralty, the Garbage Authority, the Ministry of Education, the Aquatic Resources Authority. the Board of Panama Viejo, Scout associations, Rotary Clubs and Lions Clubs.
Community boards, the mayors of several districts, judicial representatives, community environmental groups, schools and non-governmental organizations from different regions of the country, as well as the private sector and thousands of volunteers all pitched in
Previous reports show that among trash items found, 90% were cigarette butts, food containers, beverage cans, plastic bags, paper bags, plastic cups and plates , plastic caps and metal caps.
4% were appliances, balloons, lighters, building materials and tires. In addition, another 4% consists of packaging materials, packing tape, other plastic bottles. And 1% to personal hygiene items (diapers, tampons, condoms and syringes.