Solar power as a home investment

 SOLAR POWER  is  playing  an increasing role  in Panama’s energy needs with scores of companies already registered to produce power and feed it into the national grid.

That’s not only good for the environment, but for their bottom line, and the same can apply to you.

While in Panama, we may not  be sure of our political leaders  we can be sure of round the year sun, even in  the wettest months of the rainy season.

We all rely on power  to keep food cool, to power entertainment and communications  devices, to ensure that we can see at night, and for a host of other reasons round the clock.

While being tied to the power grid ensures a constant flow of power, there are quite a few reasons to consider investing in your own solar power—here are three of the most important to consider:

 One of the best things about solar power is that once you’ve paid for the equipment, all of your power from the system you create is free indefinitely.

Depending on the size of your system, you may not be able to entirely eliminate your energy bills, but you should be able to take a noticeable chunk out of them. Imagine being able to power your lights at night without worrying about having to spend a dime. people like  bring their yard lighs  inside at night for free light. Your balcony lights in Panama can be used the same way. There are mini solar panels available, for  recharging cell phones, desk  lamps and a host of other powered items in regular use. So maybe it’’s time for you to think solar.



Solar panels have a life of about 30 years, with smaller options such as garden lights having a slightly shorter life, which means that the environment sees benefits right away and for many years to come. While you may not personally feel affected by environmental impacts of energy production that is provided through the power grid, you can be sure that energy production impacts the earth in general—so the less energy you use from the grid, the less impact carbon footprint you’re leaving behind due to your lifestyle.


A natural extension of reducing your carbon footprint with the use of solar power is the fact that you’re helping to keep the air cleaner for everyone who lives on the earth. Let’s face it: generating energy for our everyday use is a dirty job, and it tends to have a serious impact on the planet we live in—but solar power generation is completely clean and safe.

So anytime solar can be introduced into your life, everyone can breathe a little easier. Combined with natural light, you may be surprised at how little solar power you need to power basic necessities throughout the day.


With these considerations in mind, it’s easy to see how a one-time investment in solar power, whether you’re living in a big house or a cute apartment, is worth every cent. In fact, you should see your solar system start paying for itself within just a few months after setting it up.