Three CD candidates called to trial

 THREE FORMER Democratic Change (CD) candidates have been called to trial for criminal offences committed during the 2014 election.

Yunito Heriberto Vega and Ramón Saavedra,  have been charged with the alleged commission of an offense against the “freedom and purity of suffrage.””

Vega and Saavedra were candidates  in the province of Herrera.

They will face a hearing by Ingrid Torraza Murgas,  the  First Criminal Judge of the Second Judicial .

On Wednesday, September 13 the judges of the Electoral Tribunal ordered the lifting of the electoral immunity   of Porfirio Furball Ellis, who ran as a candidate for deputy 9-1 (Santiago) for Democratic Change .
Ellis was reported by by Deputy Carlos Santana, for the crime of using state resources for political purposes.

He is also under investigation in a corruption scandal over an uncompleted irrigation project   in Tonosi involving several of the inner circle of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli.