Escape artist gets 15 man escort to hospital

ESCAPE ARTIST and convicted killer and narco trafficker  Azael De Gracia Ramos 32,  had a 15 man security team when he was taken from the Punta Coco  prison to Santo Tomas hospital on Tuesday  September 22.

He was suffering from severe stomach pains when the decision was made to take him to the hospital from which he escaped during a previous visit in 2010.

He was accompanied by at least 15 members of the police Service Support Group (GAS).

He is serving sentences for of high profile crimes like drug trafficking, possession of firearms and homicide.

To prevent anyone getting close to him, security was so tight that three men in a vehicle behind the one carrying him, were  arrested detained for verification of their identities.

He was believed to have pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) possibly requiring surgery.

In October 2008 he was one of, six inmates who escaped from La Joya Prison in Pacora. And was recaptured two days before Christmas, in a raid on a home in the neighborhood Quintas de Monticello in San Miguelito.

His most recent escape was on March 26, 2010. That day Ramos and his cronies hit a prison guard with two shots, then and escaped down the Corredor Sur

He was captured with three handguns inside a van in Costa del Este.