It’s official, murder rate too high

PANAMA has finally received official recognition that the country’s murder rate is too high.
Reacting to widespread criticism, the admission came from Security Minister Rodolfo Aguilera on Tuesday September 22
Aguilera said that there are 16 homicides per 100,000 people, and over the last five years the rate has been 19 per 100,000 people.
The United Nations has set a goal to reduce the rate to nine or less per 100,000
“People are traumatized and I agree with the people,” he said.
He noted he has implemented programs to address the issue. “I hope to get the average number of homicides to only 11, which would represent a significant decrease.”
Aguilera acknowledged that gang activity has increased in areas such as David, and he is trying to avoid criminal elements from combining forces, which is what led to problems in Colón.
He said the problem was addressed in Colón through the cooperation of the private sector and religious officials.
Aguilera will travel Wednesday to David, Chiriqui, where there has been a recent up surge in criminal activity, to discuss the issue with local officials.