Road rage draws blood on city street

ROAD RAGE erupted on Calle 50 on Wednesday evening,  September 16,  when a dentist, behind the wheel of a Porsche apparently  angered at the attempt of  young woman driver’s  to change lanes, chased her down the crowded highway and allegedly , tried several time to force her smaller car onto the sidewalk.

A video taken by a witness at the end of the chase, shows Dr Eustacio Garcia de Paredes screaming at Lisseth Milagros Alfaro and punching her face when she got out of the car with a baseball bat by her side.
Photos of her bloodied face circulated on Twitter and a video of the incident appeared on TVN News.

Alfaro told TVN: “I always carry a bat beside me when driving. The man harassed  me all the way, and three times almost made me have a crash. Then he pulled in  front of me and got out  yelling and gesticulating wildly. I grabbed my bat but never lifted it up. I said: Why are you  harassing me what’s wrong with you? And he said: “shut up you’re a just a woman, you do not know what you’re getting into, Do you know who I am?” “ I told him “You have a car çosting  thousands of  dollars but  I do not care who you are”

The rest of the scene plays out on the video.

Alfaro went the next morning to the Forensic Medicine center and reported the incident to the Public Ministry.

The doctor’s version via his lawyer,  was that he was defending himself as  she was assaulting him with a bat. A spectator at a nearby bus-stop intervened.

For a reality check the  link to the video that captures the assault.