Ex mayor facing interrogation after “sting”

FORMER PANAMA MAYOR, Bosco Vallarino dethroned after a sting operation allegedly under the direction of then president Ricardo Martinelli, will be interrogated Friday, September 4 by the Fourth Anti-Corruption Prosecutor for the alleged crime of corruption of officials, after the release of the video in which he appears to receive an envelope from Alexander Ventura Nogueira.

According to investigations, in an interview broadcast on television in February, Vallarino admitted receiving an envelope with $6000, as part of a contract for an underground parking lot in Parque Belisario Porras.
Vallarino has been under house arrest since May.
In the video Ventura Nogueira, neighbor and supposed personal friend of the former mayor, talks to Vallarino before supposedly giving him the sum of $30,000 says LA Prensa.
Presumably, the money was from businessmen interested in building the underground parking.
Ventura Nogueira tpld La Prensa that Vallarino, a Panamenista fell into “the trap”, as requested by the then president Martinelli to achieve his exit as Mayor of Panama and for Roxana Mendez, Democratic Change, to replace him.
He added that Gabriel De Hanun, member of the Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement party, and Fascetto Santiago, former director general partner of the Panama America media group (Epasa), controlled by Martinelli participated in the sting.