OFF THE CUFF: One leak earns another

PHOTOGRAPHS and videos leaked via social networks on Friday, August 21 show leaks in one of the new locks of the Panama Canal in the Pacific sector, yet another  straw added to the back of the Canal Aurhority (ACP)  already facing water problems, missed  expansion completion dates, cost overrun demands  and a board member allegedly involved  in a money laundering scandal.

Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC), the company responsible for the $4.3 billion project, has issued a statement confirming the veracity of the photographs.
“GUPC reports that the photos that have been published on social networks are of one of the walls of the new locks in the Pacific sector. The testing aims to detect any situation requiring adjustments or reinforcement for the smooth operation of the project,” the company said.
Leaked video reveals canal expansion flaws
photographs and videos distributed via social networks on Friday, Auust show leaks in one of the new locks of the Panama Canal in the Pacific sector.
The Canal authority has said it will not take delivery of the project until it is ready for delivery in full working condition and said through its Twitter account: “The contractor must repair to our satisfaction imperfections and defects detected in the testing period we are conducting”