Former tax chief moved to El Renacer prison

Luis Cucalón, former head of the government’s tax collection department, accused of crimes of embezzlement by paying commissions of $47 million to collwction company , Cobranzasdel Istmo, SA, was transferred onTuesday to El Renacer prison.

The former official held his post during the administration of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014). He had in the holding cells of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ) since May 25.
Carlos Benitez, Cucalón lawyer, said his client was transferred to El Renacer in the afternoon of August 11 on the orders of the National Penitentiary System.
The lawyer said that Cucalón has health problems suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and prostate cancer.
His arrest came after 12 hours of interrogation by the Fourth Anti-Corruption Prosecutor.
He obtained gave the collections agency a contract to manage the collection of delinquent taxes.
Meanwhile, the First Criminal Court refused two legal actions brought by the legal defense of Cucalón in requesting the annulment of an audit report and the resolution that gave rise to another record processing the First Anticorruption Prosecutor for alleged falsification of documents in the contract.
This case was initiated following a complaint filed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), because the contract was made by private treaty and not by a document certifying the authorization of the Cabinet Council and the National Economic Council reports La Prensa.