Campaign to reforest one million hectares

OVER 5000  volunteers will participate  in the planting of 40 000 trees in 32 areas of Panama on July 29, the first step in a massive 20 year reforestation program.

The activity is part of a program aiming  to plant one million hectares in 20 years, driven bythe MInsitry of The Environment, the National Association for the Conservation of Nature, and private enterprise, to help the country recover from decades of illegal logging and clearing of trees

 According to figures from the state, Panama has a primary forest coverage of 35.6% throughout the country, but if the task is completed  in 20 years That coverage will be 48.6%.

“We are all shocked by the deterioration was the environment and Its effects on our climate, quality of life, access to water and food security,”

Meanwhile, Rosabel Miró, executive director of the Audubon Society of Panama, said “it is Important to replant trees to stay [and] no later reforestation take economic advantage”.

In her  view, it is necessary to recover, to recover, biodiversity in the main water areas, as  several basins are facing serious deterioration..