Double whammy leaves 15,000 without water

OVER 15,000   people in Penonomé and surrounding neighborhoods have been without water since Friday, July 24, following a break in of the three suction pumps drawing water from the  Zaratí river and compounded by the low level of water in the river.

On Monday afternoon many people were late for   work and students did not go to to classes while in some schools they were sent home because of lack of water in the toilets.

Arsenio Gonzalez, regional director of the Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (IDAAN), said that more worrisome r than damage to the pump shaft is the low water flow in the river Zaratí. This affects the operation of the plant which is only producing 500 gallons per minute, when the normal would be 3000 gallons per minute.

Tanker trucks are delivering water to the most affected areas