Pan-American Highway Blockade lifted for now

INDIGENOUS protestors withdrew their blockade of the Pan-American Highway in Chiriqui  on Satuday July 25, after 20 of them were detained by National Police.
Roads in Chiriqui were clear on Sunday but police units are still standing by. The groups are protesting the Barro Blanco hydroelectric project.

While the government is calling for dialogue, the Indigenous leaders are intransigent in their demand to cancel the project which is 95% complete, and are refusing to return to the table.
A meeting Saturday between government officials and indigenous leaders lasted only 30 minutes. No date has been set for a future meeting.
Indigenous leader Manolo Miranda called for any new talks to be mediated by the United Nations.
However, he said that before such mediation takes place, the project has to be cancelled and police have to be removed from the area.
Meanwhile, the government reiterated its call for dialogue so that an agreement can be reached. While the project is not on indigenous lands, it will impact communities located along the river that will feed the project.