Four years jail for cop who beat up doctor

A National Police sergeant who went berserk and beat up a Panama doctor has been jailed for four years.

 Sergeant  Ferdin González was sentenced for the crime of intentional injury,for beating Doctor Rafael Perez Carillo.
The incident took place on September 22, 2011, when Perez Carillo was hit by Gonzalez at a police checkpoint in Bella Vista. The doctor suffered bleeding and bruising in his right eye, arm, knee and broken nose.
the Fifteenth Criminal Court handed down a sentence of four years’ imprisonment and disqualification from holding office for a year on Monday July 13.
According to a statement from the judiciary, the decision indicates that while Carillo Perez struck Gonzalez in the mouth, this was no reason for the sergeant to lose his sanity and resort to excessive aggression. Meanwhile, the court acquitted the other police defendant, Miguel Rivera, because he did not not participate in the beating reports La Prensa