Blocking newspaper distribution said peaceful protest

CHARGES against five workers of the construction company Transcaribe Trading (TCT) who used trucks to block the offices of La Prensa and Mi Diario have been dismissed by Panama’d The First Judicial Circuit Court of Appeals.

The workers were attempting to block the distribution of La Prensa which was reporting on irregularities involving the company.
Felix Aguilar Miranda, Ceferino Espino Moreno, Juventino Antonio García Frías, Bacilio Ríos Alberto and Ariel Antonio Garay Pineda were accused of crimes against the freedom of the press.
The blockade lasted more than three hours and affected the circulation of both newspapers.
According to the ruling, the workers were “exercising their right to peaceful protest.”
The decision was not unanimous as the majority opinions of judges Agustín Ortiz and Luzmila Jaramillo were opposed by Judge Enrique Paniza, reports La Prensa.
The court upheld a decision issued Nov. 26 by Municipal Judge Leslie Loaiza, who ordered the charges dismissed without hearing any evidence.