Panama domestic violence up, homicides down

DOMESTIC violence in Panama increased 12% in  the first five months of 2015 (8, 8,747 complaints) compared to the same period last year(7,199), but in spite of perceptions of unsafe streets fueled by tabloids and social media, violent  street crime fell  22.7%  and  homicides fell 23% according to figures from the  National System of Criminal Statistics System (Siec).

Statistics show a reduction in crimes in Panama  while the perception is  different. Underreporting could be a cause says La Prensa, with judicial sources stating that,  some theft and robberies go unreported.

Theft remains the capo  of crimes (not counting the massive high end theft by the power brokers during the previous administration)

From January to May this year 8,127 cases of theft were reported, only 2% less than the same period last year (8,295)

April was the month when most armed robberies (425)were committed

The provinces with the highest crime rate [January-May] are Panama: 10,565 offenses; Panama West, 4,481

To file a complaint, do not just go to the Police substation near the place where the event occurred Police, but  follow a complex process.

If you are in the capital you should  go to the Complaints Reception Center or the Deputy Prosecutor, in Calidonia.

You must fill out a form in which with  personal data, and specify the items stolen. You must also provide documents to prove the prior existence of objects, such as invoices, etc.

Juan Vallejo, deputy director of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ), said that some techniques of theft   recently reported are imported.

The “mark “, is when a group of people followthe victim waiting for the right time to strike.

Usually, the strategy involves a young woman who identifies the victim and then follows him, even to his residence.

This same system is used in residential buildings when a pretty woman distracts security agents while her accomplices enter to steal jewelry, appliances and digital equipment.

Vallejo also mentioned the “sleepy” technique.  Women in bars and clubs, engage their victim  in conversation and take the opportunity to put  drugs in his drink. When he   loses control, “the sleepy” takes the car keys, and wallet.

 Again the reports could be apocryphal, and spiced up on social networks. Vallejo said that such allegations have never been proven through forensic tests  although some have been alleged.

Vallejos said they have received information of a new type of crime: the use of drones in the exclusive area of ​​Costa del Este to spy on houses and apartments.

Officially there are no reports on the use of this technology for criminal purposes, but, he said it is a tool that can be used by criminals to monitor potential victims.

Statistics from the the Panama Chamber of Commerce show that between 1990 and 2014, the country had  51,734 armed robberies.

.The worst year was 2012, with 6, 410 violent crimes