Three burned in school demonstration

A DEMONSTRATION outside the National Institute which left three people badly burned including a teacher,and damage to private property and the school premises may have been set up by groups from outside the school.

 According to vice-minister of education, Carlos Staff, people outside the campus could be behind the vandalism.
“If we don’t identify the source, the acts will recur” he said. No reason was given for the melee.
He said those found responsible will be punished and sent to the authorities while parents will pay for damages.
Many of the demonstrator’s, were wearing masks, including those throwing Molotov cocktails. Cars were stoned, including one carrying media.
In a video posted on social networks said they were threatening to kill President Juan Carlos Varela, teachers and school inspectors
Professor Arturo Adames,a member of the Disciplinary Commission of the school, received second degree burns, from a Molotov cocktail. Two students were also affected.
Diogenes Sanchez, secretary of the Teachers Uniob condemned the vandalism. “We believe in a serious and patriotic student movement ‘he said.
The National Institute remains closed until the completion of the investigation carried out by a High level Commission.
Media reports on Tuesday said that teachers would not return to the classrooms unless provided with protection.