Assembly summons head of troubled health service

AS PUBLIC concerns continue to grow over lack of medicines, delays in surgery and other problems connected with Panama’s Social Security System, its director has been summoned to appear before the National Assembly.

The move was approved unanimously by the National Assembly plenary on Thursday, July 9.
Director Estivenson Giron will have to answer questions posed by members including
Is there a delay in surgeries?
Are there deficiencies in the medicines distributed by the agency?
What is the plan for the continued construction of the city hospital?
What computer system is used for planning the purchase of drugs?
What would be the state of pension funds if there is a merger between the Ministry of Health and Social Security?
What can be done to address shortfalls in pension programs?
And what is the current situation in the Azuero region regarding the condition of hospitals, equipment and medicine?
The proposal to summon Giron came from PRD Deputy Iván Picota.