OFF THE CUFF: Martinelli and cohorts get temporary immunity

RICARDO MARTINELLI and several former ministers who served during his administration (2009-2014), have once again qualified for immunity due to their participation in the internal elections of the Democratic Change (CD) party.

They include Alma Cortés, Roberto Henríquez and Rómulo Roux. It went into effect at the end of June and will remain until three months after the elections, slated for Oct. 25.
Roux is general secretary of the party, while Cortés is undersecretary. Henríquez is listed as a vice president.
The sudden calling of the elections for a party founded, funded and ruled by Matinelli is widely seen as a stalling action to avoid facing multiple criminal charges alleging embezzlement relating to the National Assistance Program (PAN) and wiretapping of political opponents, journalists and judges. Martinelli, who left the country in January and is in self impose exile.calls the charges “political persecution”

Optimists say that the delay will enable prosecutors to fine tune their cases against the accused.