Audits show state lost $100 million through PAN thefts

FIVE AUDITS related to the National Assistance Program (PAN) carried out by Panama’s C omptroller General show that “irregularities” have cost the state an estimated $100 million says Accounts Prosecutor Guido Rodríguez.

But those who have lived the high life while pilfering from the public purse, if convicted, will see their assets and property seized to try and recover the money that was wrongly spent, while they prepare to sere time in jail.
Rodriguez said that the purchase of dehydrated food resulted in losses of $44.9 million, while the purchase of surveillance equipment that has since gone missing cost the state $10.8 million. The acquisition of school backpacks cost $14.2 million, while the purchase of bags of food resulted in losses of $33.3 million. The last audit was of the rental of helicopters, which cost the state $10.2 million.
All these contracts were given during the administration of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014).
He said the cases are so extensive that the investigation into them, which began six months ago, could continue for two more months, with more revelations expected.