Boutique owner and ex-vice-president face corruption prosecutor

THE INTERROGATION  of  Poulett Morales, the Marbella boutique owner who morphed into the supplier of hundreds of thousands of school backpacks for the Martinelli administration scheduled for Monday, June 1,  has been postponed until  l Wednesday, the same day that former vice president Felipe “Pipo ‘Virzi. will appear before the Third  Anti-Corruption for questioning about his receipt of alleged  kickbacks relating to an aborted irrigation project in Tonosi.

Morales is being investigated for alleged irregularities in the purchase of 600,000 backpacks with funds from the National Assistance Program (PAN) during the government of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014).

The investigation was postponed at the request of her defense attorney.

Virzi’s lawyer appeared Monday  at the anti-corruption center on Via Espana to review the file of his client, and left after 90 minutes and made no comment to waiting media.