VUCA The New World Order

THE WORLD today is Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity: job security and long-term retention concepts are doomed to extinction.
VUCA is a concept originally used by the military which defines “those situations where strategy, planning and decision-making take on extraordinary levels of difficulty, because the decision maker lacks minimum parameters required to guide their judgmen

Cristina Simon, in an article in, states that “after being applied to the reality of the financial markets, [the concept] has entered the world of work. We need to be VUCA professionals, and have employees of this species in our teams in order to interact with the business world of the current century. “

In the permanent crisis of global competitiveness faced by Central American countries at the rearguard of progress, there is a need to understand and develop our businesses using the VUCA concept, and evangelize on it, especially when from the unionized sectors-especially those for state employees- security and job stability are proclaimed as the ultimate goal for workers to achieve.

Reading the article is essential to raise awareness of the need to avoid the impulse to maintain a comfortable atmosphere, which we will be able to achieve eventually. Competitiveness is not a destination but an ongoing journey says an editorial in CentralAmericaData.