Former Colombia president facing wiretap trial

Former Colombia president facing wiretap trialCOLOMBIA’S SUPREME COURT has transferred copies of accusations involving ex-president Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010) to the Commission of Accusations and the Attorney General to investigate the former president and several of his officials in a wiretapping scandal reports
The announcement came from Supreme Court Judge during the reading of the judgment in two key officials of former President Uribe for having mounted a strategy of espionage against judges, journalists, activists and opponents of the former government.
Maria del Pilar Hurtado, former director of the secret police, was sentenced to 14 years in prison and Bernardo Moreno, who was secretary of the presidency, to eight years. The Illegal activities occurred between 2007 and 2009. Uribe and one other accused are now Senators.
According to, the head of the prosecutors unit Elka Venegas is in the final phase of collecting evidence against the former officials being investigated on charges of conspiracy, unlawful violation of communications and abuse of office public.
In his Twitter account, Uribe just wrote that he will answer to the Supreme Court, next Tuesday Earlier, Uribe rejected the ruling that sentenced two former officials and called the prosecutions “political persecution”