OFF THE CUFF: Martinellis side kick claiming persecution

THE MAN alleged to have been the conduit for orders from former President Ricardo Martinelli to successive directors of Panama’s National Assistance Program (PAN) and who, on a $5,000 a month salary had a wedding celebration reported to have cost $700,000 , has filed an application with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights claiming like his mentor that he is being persecuted by the government.

Adolfo De Obarrio, the private secretary to Martinelli is being investigated for corruption allegations related to cost overruns in the (PAN) during the Martinelli administration. And  has been accused of orchestrating the award of contracts on behalf of Martinelli by former PAN officials. 

In the petition, his lawyer, Edna Ramos, said t that her client’s rights have been violated due to the fact that he was not allowed to mount a defense reports La Prensa.

De Obarrio fled the country last  Christmas Day and has not announced any plans to return. Martinelli is also out of the country, and also faces charges related to the PAN.