Martinelli security officials arrested

Martinelli security officials arrested
Former security officials Alejandro Garúz and Gustavo Pérez were taken early Monday, January 12, to the headquarters of the Judicial Investigation Department in Ancón.
The move was made after searches of their residences on Sunday by investigators looking into irregularities regarding the purchase and use of surveillance equipment during the administration of Ricardo Martinelli.
A source said that weapons were found in both residences.
Officials are now trying to determine if they are legal or illegal. Sources also said more searches could be carried reports La Prensa..
The Public Ministry plans to have a press conference later today and.
Security Council Secretary Rolando are planning press conferences,
López Pérez filed a complaint against the officials over the disappearance of the equipment, which was purchased from an Israeli security contractor for $13.4 million in 2010. The complaint is being investigated by the first anti-corruption prosecutor.