Changuinola protest victims close bridge for 5 hours

Changuinola protest victims close bridge for 5 hours
VICTIMS of the July 2010 disturbances in closed the bridge over the river for over five hours on Sunday, January1 They finally cleared a passage after reaching an agreement with the Minister of Labor and Workforce Development, Luis Ernesto Carles.
Carles promised the protesters to return on Monday, January 12to the province of Bocas del Toro, along with other members of the Cabinet Council, to develop a bill for benefits and pensions to for those disabled by riot police during protests caused by the adoption by the National Assembly of the so called “Chorizo Law”, reports La Prensa.
The protesters requested that the draft contemplated by Carles an and the change from one government to another will not affect the delivery of compensation, from the Government through the. National Assistance Program (PAN)
They also demanded improvements in the health service currently available in the province of Bocas del Toro.